
Volunteer training class at Jade Buddha Temple (in Chinese)

Class A: Friday 3/7, 3/14 & 3/21 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm

Class B: Saturday 3/8 & 3/15 from 1:00 – 4:00 pm

Hands-on sessions: Saturday 3/22 1:00 – 3:00 pm & Sunday 3/23 10:00 am12:00

Total training hours: 10

During the month of March, Master Jian Dan will offer a series of training especially for volunteers. This highly anticipated course will provide much-needed trainings for volunteers so they can be more effective helpers around the temple. The course will cover topics such an overview of Texas Buddhist Association (history, organization, resident monks and nuns, etc), an overview of major Buddhist ceremonies (the origin, the meanings, the proper procedures, etc), the Buddhist way of interacting with each other and with the Masters in, out and around a Buddhist temple, and much more. Keeping it at a practical level, this course will also include four hours of hands-on sessions where participants will role play how to greet guests, how to provide a tour, how to answer questions, how to guide attendees during a big ceremony, and so on.

To encourage participation, Master will have one course on Friday nights and another one on Saturday afternoons. You can choose which time is more convenient to you. Each class will have a limited enrollment of 20 to ensure class quality.

There is already a discussion that Master will develop an English version of this training in the near future for our ever-growing America populations.

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