Blue skies with bit overcast so there was no sun; absolutely, beautiful weather with some cool breezes to walk on the trail for a Sunday afternoon. Dozen of us decide to take a stroll to the Gwan Shr Yin’ lake with Venerable Jian Dan – we were receiving ample of information regarding the history of the Temple, story of the lake with few fishes (not for fishing purpose) in front of the grand and tall statue of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva – God of Mercy.
During this field trip – we were fed with delicious, tasty dishes that were presented on buffet line. The menus was prepared with good nutritional value and colorful suitable to all taste including non-vegetarians. Transportation was arranged to carpool to the facility – a thoughtful gesture to save the environment. We learned different techniques of meditation for example breathing, counting numbers with proper sitting position (crossing our legs and palms).
Venerable Jian Dan was coaching us during the hour long meditation, to remind us to return to our focus and attention; since, our minds were often wondering and drifting away when we are sitting too long in one position. He was showing us the proper way to prostrate and to bow to the Buddha & to the Sangha. Many Buddhist stories were used during his lecture so that we can learn about the religion. In the afternoon, there were few performances that Venerable Jian Dan was chanting a melody while striking the bell for evening service. He even performed the “Heavenly Drum” that we only can hear once in a great while when he return from his overseas studies. There were questions and answers throughout the lecture and presentation for the devoted practitioners who eagerly to learn more about Buddhism.
Finally, this is our annual fieldtrip from Sunday Dharma class to visit the serenity, peaceful and huge retreat center that was built by Texas Buddhist Association – Reverend HungI (Abbot of Jade Buddha Temple). It is a perfect place for all or anyone of us wish to stay for day, few days or months to escape our busy daily life, to get in touch with the nature (many trail walks) and the spiritual needs within our heart and mind.
by Vivi Louie
Thank you for sharing this specific good post with an above average topic, so much wonderful ability which you have.
Thank you for this great write-up
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